Loading the PALMS dataset

A PALMS dataset (in csv format) is read in using the read_palms() function. This function checks that all required column names are present before converting the csv file to a simple features (spatial) object. If any columns are missing you will receive an error message. For a list of required column names, please see the read_palms() help file. This example will use the data built into this package, which has been collected from one participant.


palms <- read_palms(system.file("extdata", "one_participant.csv", package = "palmsplusr"))
#>  [1] "identifier"          "datetime"            "dow"                
#>  [4] "fixtypecode"         "iov"                 "tripnumber"         
#>  [7] "triptype"            "tripmot"             "activity"           
#> [10] "activityintensity"   "activityboutnumber"  "sedentaryboutnumber"
#> [13] "geometry"

This palms object contains 13 columns. Notice how the lon and lat columns that were present in the csv have been replaced by a geometry column. This is POINT geometry, as each row in palms represents a point. You can plot this data to look at the distribution of points in space. Here two columns are plotted:

plot(palms[, c("activity", "tripnumber")])

Building palmsplus

The palmsplus build process adds additional columns (i.e., fields) to the input palms dataset shown above. However, the user needs to specify what columns to add, and how to calculate them. This is done by creating a table with the name of the new column and the formula used to calculate it. In most cases, new fields are calculated from combinations of existing fields, but external data may also be used (see next section).

The function palms_add_field(name, formula, domain_field = FALSE) is used to add a field:

  palms_add_field("weekday",    "dow < 6")
  palms_add_field("weekend",    "dow > 5")
  palms_add_field("indoors",    "iov == 3")
  palms_add_field("outdoors",   "iov == 1")
  palms_add_field("in_vehicle", "iov == 2")
  palms_add_field("inserted",   "fixtypecode == 6")
  palms_add_field("pedestrian", "tripmot == 1")
  palms_add_field("bicycle",    "tripmot == 2")
  palms_add_field("vehicle",    "tripmot == 3")
  palms_add_field("nonwear",    "activityintensity < 0",  TRUE)
  palms_add_field("wear",       "activityintensity >= 0", TRUE)
  palms_add_field("sedentary",  "activityintensity == 0", TRUE)
  palms_add_field("light",      "activityintensity == 1", TRUE)
  palms_add_field("moderate",   "activityintensity == 2", TRUE)
  palms_add_field("vigorous",   "activityintensity == 3", TRUE)
  palms_add_field("mvpa",       "moderate + vigorous",    TRUE)

Note this is for the purpose of demonstration, as the code above can be replicated using palms_load_defaults(). The third parameter, domain_field, specifies whether the field should be summarized when creating the days dataset (see Building days below for more info).

Each time you add a new field, a new row is appended to the palmsplus_fields table. This table is automatically created in the global environment when adding fields. If this table is printed, you will see it contains the fields that were just added:

name formula domain_field
weekday dow < 6 FALSE
weekend dow > 5 FALSE
indoors iov == 3 FALSE
outdoors iov == 1 FALSE
in_vehicle iov == 2 FALSE
inserted fixtypecode == 6 FALSE
pedestrian tripmot == 1 FALSE
bicycle tripmot == 2 FALSE
vehicle tripmot == 3 FALSE
nonwear activityintensity < 0 TRUE
wear activityintensity >= 0 TRUE
sedentary activityintensity == 0 TRUE
light activityintensity == 1 TRUE
moderate activityintensity == 2 TRUE
vigorous activityintensity == 3 TRUE
mvpa moderate + vigorous TRUE

Using external data

Any variable from the palms dataset can be used to build formulas, although the true power of palmsplusr comes from integrating external data into these calculations.

In the code below, a shapefile that represents home points is read in and buffered by 100 m to create polygons. These polygons are going to be used in a field formula. When this data is plotted, you will notice this person has two homes:

home.points <- read_sf(system.file("extdata/shapefiles/", "home.shp", package = "palmsplusr"))
home.buffer <- palms_buffer(point = home.points, distance = 100)

# Plot
plot(home.buffer[, "home_id"], key.pos = 1)
plot(home.points[, "home_id"], col = "red", add = TRUE)

Below, these polygon data are used to create a new field called at_home. The purpose of this field is to identify any palms point that fall inside these home.buffer polygons. This information is later used to determine the time spent at home each day, and even identify trips that start or end at home. The formula for this field uses the palms_in_polygon() helper function. For a more detailed explanation about helper functions and creating formulas in general, please see the building formulas article.

palms_add_field("at_home", "palms_in_polygon(., home.buffer, identifier)")

Once all of the fields have been added, you can build the palmsplus dataset using the palms_build_palmsplus() function. This takes the palms dataset as input:

palmsplus <- palms_build_palmsplus(palms)
#> [1/1] Computed palmsplus for: BC0627

When printing the column names of the palmsplus dataset, you will notice it contains 30 columns: the original 13 in palms plus the 17 that were added as fields:

#>  [1] "identifier"          "datetime"            "dow"                
#>  [4] "fixtypecode"         "iov"                 "tripnumber"         
#>  [7] "triptype"            "tripmot"             "activity"           
#> [10] "activityintensity"   "activityboutnumber"  "sedentaryboutnumber"
#> [13] "weekday"             "weekend"             "indoors"            
#> [16] "outdoors"            "in_vehicle"          "inserted"           
#> [19] "pedestrian"          "bicycle"             "vehicle"            
#> [22] "nonwear"             "wear"                "sedentary"          
#> [25] "light"               "moderate"            "vigorous"           
#> [28] "mvpa"                "at_home"             "geometry"

Now that the palmsplus dataset is built, it can be summarized in two ways: building days, or building trajectories.

Building days

The days dataset provides a daily summary of the domain_fields present in the palmsplus dataset. Recall the domain_fields in the dataset above were:

  • nonwear
  • wear
  • sedentary
  • light
  • moderate
  • vigorous
  • mvpa

These fields are summarized across several domains, which can be thought of as temporal or spatial subsets of a 24-hour day. Examples domains are: during work hours, in greenspace, at home, in the town centre on weekends.

Each of the domain_fields are summarized separately for each domain. By default, a total domain is used, which summarizes all data within each 24-hour period. Any additional domains need to be specified by the user.

Two additional domains are added below: home and transport. All palmsplus points that meet the at_home criteria (the field added above) will be added to the home domain. All palmsplus points that meet the pedestrian or bicycle or vehicle criteria (also fields added above) will be assigned to the transport domain. Domains are added the same way fields are added:

palms_add_domain("home", "at_home")
palms_add_domain("transport", "!home & (pedestrian | bicycle | vehicle)")
name formula
home at_home
transport !home & (pedestrian | bicycle | vehicle)

It is important to note that formulas are evaluated in the order they are specified, so one formula can contain another field name, as seen with the !home (not home) in transport domain formula above.

Now that additional domains have been added, the palms_build_days() function can be used to build days from the palmsplus dataset:

days <- palms_build_days(palmsplus)

When looking at the structure of the days dataset, you will notice the domain_fields have been summarized for each domain. Note that the total domain and the duration field are included by default.

#> Classes 'tbl_df', 'tbl' and 'data.frame':    9 obs. of  26 variables:
#>  $ identifier         : chr  "BC0627" "BC0627" "BC0627" "BC0627" ...
#>  $ date               : Date, format: "2013-08-26" "2013-08-27" ...
#>  $ total_nonwear      : num  344 954 501 354 1306 ...
#>  $ total_wear         : num  427 486 557 0 134 ...
#>  $ total_sedentary    : num  273 328 388 0 49 ...
#>  $ total_light        : num  101 120.2 126.8 0 81.2 ...
#>  $ total_moderate     : num  31 25 26.75 0 4.25 ...
#>  $ total_vigorous     : num  22 13.2 15.8 0 0 ...
#>  $ total_mvpa         : num  53 38.25 42.5 0 4.25 ...
#>  $ total_duration     : num  771 1440 1058 354 1440 ...
#>  $ home_nonwear       : num  344 871 501 354 1306 ...
#>  $ home_wear          : num  4.5 58 150.2 0 134.5 ...
#>  $ home_sedentary     : num  0 41.2 102.5 0 49 ...
#>  $ home_light         : num  2.5 13.8 41.5 0 81.2 ...
#>  $ home_moderate      : num  0.75 3 4.5 0 4.25 4.5 0.75 1.25 1.25
#>  $ home_vigorous      : num  1.25 0 1.75 0 0 0 0.25 1 0.25
#>  $ home_mvpa          : num  2 3 6.25 0 4.25 4.5 1 2.25 1.5
#>  $ home_duration      : num  348 929 652 354 1440 ...
#>  $ transport_nonwear  : num  0 0 0 NA NA 0 NA 0 0
#>  $ transport_wear     : num  46 38.5 40.2 NA NA ...
#>  $ transport_sedentary: num  2 5.25 4.25 NA NA 34 NA 6 22.5
#>  $ transport_light    : num  13.5 8.25 13.75 NA NA ...
#>  $ transport_moderate : num  15.8 14.8 13 NA NA ...
#>  $ transport_vigorous : num  14.75 10.25 9.25 NA NA ...
#>  $ transport_mvpa     : num  30.5 25 22.2 NA NA ...
#>  $ transport_duration : num  46 38.5 40.2 NA NA ...

A summary plot of activity intensities for each domain, using these data:

Building trajectories

The trajectories dataset contains individual trips, and trip-level summaries. Fields that you wish to calculate for each trajectory can be specified with palms_add_trajectoy_field(name, formula, after_conversion = FALSE). The data passed to trajectory formulas are all of the palmsplus points that have the same tripnumber (i.e., belong to the same trip).

epoch <- palms_epoch(palms)

palms_add_trajectory_field("mot",       "first(tripmot)")
palms_add_trajectory_field("date",      "first(as.Date(datetime))")
palms_add_trajectory_field("start",     "datetime[triptype==1]")
palms_add_trajectory_field("end",       "datetime[triptype==4]")
palms_add_trajectory_field("duration",  "as.numeric(difftime(end, start, units = \"secs\") + epoch)")
palms_add_trajectory_field("nonwear",   "sum(activityintensity < 0) * epoch")
palms_add_trajectory_field("wear",      "sum(activityintensity >= 0) * epoch")
palms_add_trajectory_field("sedentary", "sum(activityintensity == 0) * epoch")
palms_add_trajectory_field("light",     "sum(activityintensity == 1) * epoch")
palms_add_trajectory_field("moderate",  "sum(activityintensity == 2) * epoch")
palms_add_trajectory_field("vigorous",  "sum(activityintensity == 3) * epoch")
palms_add_trajectory_field("mvpa",      "moderate + vigorous")
palms_add_trajectory_field("length",    "as.numeric(st_length(.))",  TRUE)
palms_add_trajectory_field("speed",     "(length / duration) * 3.6", TRUE)

Notice the palms_epoch() helper function is used here, and the epoch length is used in some formulas. This is so the output is in seconds, rather than a row count.

Similar to above, these example trajectory fields are the default fields, and can be built with the palms_load_defaults() function. Note that an epoch length must be supplied so the formulas are built correctly: palms_load_defaults(palms_epoch(palms)).

Because trajectories are built from the palmsplus dataset, any variables used in the trajectory field formulas should be present in the palmsplus dataset.

name formula after_conversion
mot first(tripmot) FALSE
date first(as.Date(datetime)) FALSE
start datetime[triptype==1] FALSE
end datetime[triptype==4] FALSE
duration as.numeric(difftime(end, start, units = “secs”) + epoch) FALSE
nonwear sum(activityintensity < 0) * epoch FALSE
wear sum(activityintensity >= 0) * epoch FALSE
sedentary sum(activityintensity == 0) * epoch FALSE
light sum(activityintensity == 1) * epoch FALSE
moderate sum(activityintensity == 2) * epoch FALSE
vigorous sum(activityintensity == 3) * epoch FALSE
mvpa moderate + vigorous FALSE
length as.numeric(st_length(.)) TRUE
speed (length / duration) * 3.6 TRUE

The after_conversion parameter dictates whether the fields are calculated before or after the trip points are converted to LINESTRING geometry. Some fields can only be calculated on LINESTRING objects, such as the length of the line (and by extension, speed).

The palms_build_trajectories() function is used to build trajectories from the palmsplus dataset:

trajectories <- palms_build_trajectories(palmsplus)

When looking at the structure of the trajectories dataset, you will notice it contains the fields created above, and LINESTRING geometry:

str(trajectories, give.attr = FALSE)
#> Classes 'sf' and 'data.frame':   38 obs. of  17 variables:
#>  $ identifier: chr  "BC0627" "BC0627" "BC0627" "BC0627" ...
#>  $ tripnumber: int  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
#>  $ mot       : int  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 ...
#>  $ date      : Date, format: "2013-08-26" "2013-08-26" ...
#>  $ start     : POSIXct, format: "2013-08-26 11:08:45" "2013-08-26 13:29:45" ...
#>  $ end       : POSIXct, format: "2013-08-26 11:11:30" "2013-08-26 13:32:15" ...
#>  $ duration  : num  180 165 555 255 675 1230 555 480 165 225 ...
#>  $ nonwear   : num  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#>  $ wear      : num  180 165 555 255 675 1230 555 480 165 225 ...
#>  $ sedentary : num  30 0 60 60 0 90 15 285 0 45 ...
#>  $ light     : num  45 75 285 135 435 195 75 150 0 105 ...
#>  $ moderate  : num  0 45 150 45 195 510 195 45 60 75 ...
#>  $ vigorous  : num  105 45 60 15 45 435 270 0 105 0 ...
#>  $ mvpa      : num  105 90 210 60 240 945 465 45 165 75 ...
#>  $ length    : num  198 125 518 129 401 ...
#>  $ speed     : num  3.97 2.74 3.36 1.82 2.14 ...
#>  $ geometry  :sfc_LINESTRING of length 38; first list element:  XY [1:12, 1:2] 175 175 175 175 175 ...

As the trajectories dataset contains LINESTRING geometry, it can be plotted. Below the trajectories are colored based on the mot column, and the home.buffer polygons are added to the plot:

plot(trajectories[, "mot"], pal = c("orange", "blue"), key.pos = NULL)
plot(home.buffer[, 1], col = "red", key.pos = NULL, add = TRUE)

Adding trajectory locations

Trajectory locations can also be calculated. These are used to identify specific trip start and end locations, such as trips from home to work or school. Trajectory locations are added with the function palms_add_trajectory_location(name, start_criteria, end_criteria). If any trajectory locations have been added, they will automatically be calculated when palms_build_trajectories() is executed.

The start_criteria and end_criteria parameters should be fields already calculated in palmsplus.

To demonstrate, all trajectories that start at home and end at school will be identified. To do this, an additional shapefile that contains the schoolyard polygon is read in, and add a new at_school field is added to palmsplus.

school <- read_sf(system.file("extdata/shapefiles/", "school.shp", package = "palmsplusr"))

palms_add_field("at_school", "palms_in_polygon(., school)")

palmsplus <- palms_build_palmsplus(palms)
#> [1/1] Computed palmsplus for: BC0627

Now that palmsplus contains the at_school field, I’m going to add a trajectory_location that starts at_home and ends at_school. Recall the at_home field was created earlier.

palms_add_trajectory_location("home_school", "at_home", "at_school")
name start_criteria end_criteria
home_school at_home at_school

Now the trajectories dataset can be rebuilt. Additional columns will be added for each entry in the trajectory_locations table indicating whether the trajectory meets both the start and end criteria.

trajectories <- palms_build_trajectories(palmsplus)
#>  [1] "identifier"  "tripnumber"  "mot"         "date"        "start"      
#>  [6] "end"         "duration"    "nonwear"     "wear"        "sedentary"  
#> [11] "light"       "moderate"    "vigorous"    "mvpa"        "home_school"
#> [16] "length"      "speed"       "geometry"

Notice how the trajectories dataset now contains a home_school column, which signifies whether the trip started at home and ended at school. In total, 4/38 trajectories meet this criteria:

#>  0  1 
#> 34  4

We can double check the results by plotting these trajectories. The ggplot2 package can also be used instead of R’s base plot. Please see the article ggplot2 and palmsplusr for more informaiton.


ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data=home.buffer, fill = "red", alpha = 0.8) +
  geom_sf(data=school, fill = "blue", alpha = 0.8) +
  geom_sf(data=trajectories %>% filter(home_school == 1), colour = "green") +

It looks like all the trajectories where home_school == 1 start at home and end at school.

Building multimodal trajectories

The trajectories dataset can be further processed into multimodal trips using the palms_build_multimodal() function. This will join two or more trajectories together if they are within a spatial and temporal threshold.

Multimodal trajectories are important, because PALMS assigns a new trip number each time the travel mode changes. A change in travel mode part way along a commute may mean none of the trip ‘segments’ meet the start_criteria and end_criteria.

This is also useful for identifying trip chains and transit use (e.g., walk-vehicle-walk), and joining trips where a long pause has occured.

The fields that are summarized for each multimodal trajectory are specified using palms_add_multimodal_field(name, func).

The name refers to a field name in the trajectories dataset, while func specifies a summary function used to aggregate trajectory fields (usually sum() or mean()). For example, you probably want to sum the duration of multiple segments, but take the average (mean) of their speeds.

palms_add_multimodal_field("duration", "sum")
palms_add_multimodal_field("speed", "mean")

Alternatively, you can pass in a vector of field names that use the same summary function:

palms_add_multimodal_field(c("nonwear", "wear", "sedentary", "light", "moderate", 
                             "vigorous", "mvpa", "length"), "sum")
name func
duration sum
speed mean
nonwear sum
wear sum
sedentary sum
light sum
moderate sum
vigorous sum
mvpa sum
length sum

It should be noted that these multimodal_fields are the default fields created by palms_load_defaults().

The trajectories dataset is then passed to palms_build_multimodal(spatial_threshold, temporal_threshold) to build the multimodal dataset.

The spatial_threshold is the distance (in meters) between the end of one trajectory and the start of the next, while the temporal_threshold is the time between these (in minutes). This example uses a criteria of 200 m and 10 minutes:

multimodal <- palms_build_multimodal(trajectories, 200, 10)
#> Calculating multimodal eligibility...done
#> Assigning trip numbers...done
#> Calculating fields...done

An important note is the trajectories dataset must contain the following columns, as multimodal eligibility cannot be assessed without them:

  • identifier
  • tripnumber
  • start
  • end
  • geometry
  • mot

When looking at the structure of the multimodal dataset, you will notice basic multimodal information, an overall summary for each field, and also for each travel mode (note this participant has no bicycle trips):

str(multimodal, give.attr = FALSE)
#> Classes 'sf', 'tbl_df', 'tbl' and 'data.frame':  31 obs. of  39 variables:
#>  $ identifier     : chr  "BC0627" "BC0627" "BC0627" "BC0627" ...
#>  $ mmt_number     : int  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
#>  $ trip_numbers   : chr  "1" "2" "3-4" "5-6" ...
#>  $ n_segments     : int  1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 ...
#>  $ mot_order      : chr  "1" "1" "1-1" "1-1" ...
#>  $ start          : POSIXct, format: "2013-08-26 11:08:45" "2013-08-26 13:29:45" ...
#>  $ end            : POSIXct, format: "2013-08-26 11:11:30" "2013-08-26 13:32:15" ...
#>  $ home_school    : int  0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 ...
#>  $ mot_1_duration : num  180 165 810 1905 555 ...
#>  $ mot_1_length   : num  198 125 647 1620 625 ...
#>  $ mot_1_light    : num  45 75 420 630 75 0 105 75 195 420 ...
#>  $ mot_1_moderate : num  0 45 195 705 195 60 75 15 495 360 ...
#>  $ mot_1_mvpa     : num  105 90 270 1185 465 ...
#>  $ mot_1_nonwear  : num  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#>  $ mot_1_sedentary: num  30 0 120 90 15 0 45 0 90 15 ...
#>  $ mot_1_vigorous : num  105 45 75 480 270 105 0 60 435 30 ...
#>  $ mot_1_wear     : num  180 165 810 1905 555 ...
#>  $ mot_3_duration : num  0 0 0 0 0 480 0 0 0 0 ...
#>  $ mot_3_length   : num  0 0 0 0 0 ...
#>  $ mot_3_light    : num  0 0 0 0 0 150 0 0 0 0 ...
#>  $ mot_3_moderate : num  0 0 0 0 0 45 0 0 0 0 ...
#>  $ mot_3_mvpa     : num  0 0 0 0 0 45 0 0 0 0 ...
#>  $ mot_3_nonwear  : num  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#>  $ mot_3_sedentary: num  0 0 0 0 0 285 0 0 0 0 ...
#>  $ mot_3_vigorous : num  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#>  $ mot_3_wear     : num  0 0 0 0 0 480 0 0 0 0 ...
#>  $ duration       : num  180 165 810 1905 555 ...
#>  $ nonwear        : num  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#>  $ wear           : num  180 165 810 1905 555 ...
#>  $ sedentary      : num  30 0 120 90 15 285 45 0 90 15 ...
#>  $ light          : num  45 75 420 630 75 150 105 75 195 420 ...
#>  $ moderate       : num  0 45 195 705 195 105 75 15 495 360 ...
#>  $ vigorous       : num  105 45 75 480 270 105 0 60 435 30 ...
#>  $ mvpa           : num  105 90 270 1185 465 ...
#>  $ length         : num  198 125 647 1620 625 ...
#>  $ mot_1_speed    : num  3.97 2.74 2.59 2.85 4.06 ...
#>  $ mot_3_speed    : num  NA NA NA NA NA ...
#>  $ speed          : num  3.97 2.74 2.59 2.85 4.06 ...
#>  $ geometry       :sfc_MULTILINESTRING of length 31; first list element: List of 1
#>   ..$ : num [1:12, 1:2] 175 175 175 175 175 ...

Recall there were 38 observations in the trajectories dataset. We can see what trajectories were combined by looking at the trip_numbers variable:

#>  [1] "1"        "2"        "3-4"      "5-6"      "7"        "8-9"     
#>  [7] "10"       "11"       "12"       "13"       "14-15"    "16"      
#> [13] "17"       "18"       "19"       "20"       "21"       "22"      
#> [19] "23"       "24"       "25"       "26"       "27"       "28"      
#> [25] "29"       "30"       "31"       "32"       "33-34"    "35"      
#> [31] "36-37-38"

The mot_order variable retains the mode of travel order of each multimodal trip:

#>  [1] "1"     "1"     "1-1"   "1-1"   "1"     "3-1"   "1"     "1"    
#>  [9] "1"     "1"     "3-1"   "1"     "1"     "1"     "1"     "1"    
#> [17] "1"     "3"     "3"     "3"     "3"     "1"     "1"     "1"    
#> [25] "1"     "1"     "1"     "1"     "3-1"   "1"     "1-3-1"

If any trajectory_locations were created, they will also be added to multimodal (notice the home_school field in the multimodal structure above).

Saving geometry and results

You can save all datasets as a csv file. The palmsplus, trajectories and multimodal datasets can be saved as ESRI shapefiles as they contain geometry:

write_csv(palmsplus, "palmsplus.csv")
write_csv(days, "days.csv")
write_csv(trajectories, "trajectories.csv")
write_csv(multimodal, "multimodal.csv")

st_write(palmsplus, "palmsplus.shp")
st_write(trajectories, "trajecories.shp")
st_write(multimodal, "multimodal.shp")