Build a days dataset by summarising palmsplus by day and person (identifier). Not all variables in palmsplus are summarised, only those specified using palms_add_field with the argument domain_field = TRUE. By default, a duration field is added (e.g., the total minutes per day).

All data are summarised by default. However, additional aggragation domains can be specified using palms_add_domain before building days. Domains are a subset of data, such as during school time. All domain_field variables will be summarised for each domain seperatly.




The palmsplus data obtained from palms_build_palmsplus.


A table summarised by day.


data("palms") palms_remove_tables() # Add a field, and make it a domain_field palms_add_field("mvpa", "activityintensity > 1", TRUE) palmsplus <- palms_build_palmsplus(palms)
#> [1/1] Computed palmsplus for: BC0627
palms_add_domain("walking", "tripmot == 3") # This will have 'walking' and 'total' domains # Each domain will have 'duration' and 'mvpa' fields days <- palms_build_days(palmsplus)